You are currently viewing all ratings received by user elevati0n.

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About elevati0n

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 3725 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
36663 sturles 1061 elevati0n 2014-09-04 18:31:38 1 PayPal
36721 nanotube 804 elevati0n 2014-09-13 02:32:49 2
36042 DoctorBTC 416 elevati0n 2014-07-14 23:22:11 1 His PP for my BTC (~$350). Verified some things... will update if necessary.
36694 HoMM 98 elevati0n 2014-09-09 05:23:03 1 Lent him a small amount in BTC. Paid it back smoothly. :)
36050 otoburb 7 elevati0n 2014-07-15 17:36:36 2 is same user as elevation, know from lesswrong