You are currently viewing all ratings received by user darec.

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About darec

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 4329 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
2031 trilogy456 120 darec 2011-05-09 04:32:44 1
2575 csshih 117 darec 2011-05-17 14:54:10 1 fast ppusd to mtgox transaction!
2799 dcash 86 darec 2011-05-21 00:50:48 1 medium tx, went smoothly
2697 astrohacker 42 darec 2011-05-19 02:14:54 1 good experience, would trade with again
2730 NxTitle 39 darec 2011-05-19 23:31:23 2
3235 Bosma 27 darec 2011-05-29 01:51:37 2 Good, fast trade. Would trade again.
2435 Artifex 24 darec 2011-05-15 04:58:32 2 Excellent transaction, sent BTC first, very friendly!
2791 joewandy 16 darec 2011-05-20 21:26:46 1
4120 hughes 8 darec 2011-06-06 05:14:49 1 successful trade via clearcoin
6867 Tasty 7 darec 2011-08-24 03:24:15 1 Sold btc for ppusd, smooth transaction
2248 jasonde 3 darec 2011-05-13 02:40:17 1 Excellent