You are currently viewing all ratings received by user sic_nic.

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About sic_nic

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 3912 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
11391 nanotube 804 sic_nic 2012-06-04 02:59:36 1
27194 episking- 504 sic_nic 2016-01-11 22:50:38 5 my cash for his BTC. Long time OTCer. Much Trust, many modes.
13243 Michail1 439 sic_nic 2013-08-18 05:26:54 4 Many very nice BTC trades. (More notes stuff here). XXXX
13027 GlooBoy 252 sic_nic 2012-07-25 04:18:18 1 Very Smooth Amazon e-Card for BTC. No Probs :
11443 pigeons 248 sic_nic 2012-07-27 20:13:08 4 really great trader
11341 cory 222 sic_nic 2012-06-01 04:00:24 1
14677 aethero 189 sic_nic 2012-09-11 23:54:31 1 Bought his BTC for my USD deposit
12200 easystevey 116 sic_nic 2012-06-29 21:45:43 1 excellent transaction, very patient.
11744 zapsoda 110 sic_nic 2012-06-15 04:08:42 2 Nice guy smooth TX would repeat.
11431 seco 65 sic_nic 2012-06-04 23:15:24 1 Nice guy; donated for me helping him out: More important, he promised to do so before he even was registered. Managed to reauth to me giving me a personal known password i issued him at beginning: Welcome again to bitcoin-otc! :)
11508 aurumxchange 53 sic_nic 2012-07-10 01:58:54 6 Many BTC to ACH trades by now. Really nice guy to deal with!
33842 arbitrage 41 sic_nic 2014-02-19 00:10:45 4 you're my boy Blue!
11894 moartr4dez 20 sic_nic 2012-07-02 20:49:44 2 Good first and second trade (with some stumbling by me)
11337 w00ly 19 sic_nic 2012-06-01 02:46:56 1 Fast BTC for Amazon GC trade, he sent BTC first, thanks!
13270 mike2381 14 sic_nic 2012-08-02 03:41:16 1 Bought BTC for Direct Deposit. Helpful guy. thanks.