You are currently viewing all ratings received by user neonindian.

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About neonindian

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 4442 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
9059 sturles 1061 neonindian 2013-12-30 20:22:57 1 PayPal
9238 GlooBoy 252 neonindian 2013-06-10 21:52:23 8 He Gladly Returned a MtGox error/overpayment(27btc)| Many PP trades over 400 days apart :)
16228 bonks 240 neonindian 2012-10-18 00:12:56 1 Sold him BTC for a small MP
14687 Ssateneth 235 neonindian 2012-09-12 02:55:40 1 I sold him 15 BTC for PPUSD. He paid first.
10267 Mad7Scientist 199 neonindian 2012-04-12 03:20:21 1 Bought 3 BTC from me for PPUSD. Sent first smooth transactoin.
12572 starsoccer 191 neonindian 2012-07-12 22:02:38 -3 paid me 55$ and then when i told him that that it is still pending has continually flipped out at me and refused to take anyof my advice and insits that losing 55$ but giving me a -2 is worth it and had to basiclly get his friend to gang up on me and tried to sell his debt to scare me
9169 BTChero 118 neonindian 2012-02-17 22:49:20 1 Has bought bitcoins with paypal and moneypak from me
9704 paulzag 92 neonindian 2012-04-04 05:22:42 2 Sold neonindian BTC 3 times, 1x MP 2x PPUSD quick and easy transactions - one hiccup fixed in a friendly manner
9349 seco 65 neonindian 2012-04-03 21:25:59 1 loaned him an amount of BTC: Even he paid back the coins one month after maturity, with the reasons he stated he still seems a trustworthy person: Just dont take it too exact if it comes to an appointment in future: He might be a few weeks later then expected ;P
9093 Phoebus 64 neonindian 2012-02-13 17:49:33 2 Fast and easy bought btc with ppusd.
8922 paraipan 44 neonindian 2012-04-22 01:27:56 2 traded multiple PPUSD for BTC quick and flawless, thanks
10912 mrkent 42 neonindian 2012-05-12 03:23:29 1 he paid me in ppusd for btc, medium amount of money
9591 chex 32 neonindian 2012-03-09 17:26:11 1 Bought 17 BTC USPP. No problems
9744 spawn- 20 neonindian 2012-03-16 10:41:32 2 mutiple transactions PPUSD >> BTC I highly Recommended!
9165 vinhpk 4 neonindian 2012-02-17 21:52:48 1 smooth transactions for PPUSD