You are currently viewing all ratings received by user moarrr.

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About moarrr

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 3515 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
27883 BCB 1043 moarrr 2013-07-25 02:56:53 1 PPUSD to BTC
30657 BigBitz 481 moarrr 2014-07-19 00:09:47 4 Lots of GBP UKBT Deals. Always smooth.
28055 Azelphur 252 moarrr 2013-07-30 12:02:54 4 Sold me BTC for Amazon GC, several large trades
36759 GlooBoy 252 moarrr 2014-09-17 11:19:47 -8 scammer friend of SupaDupaJenkins - learned from the Supa play book on how to scam OTC - borrow from Supa - getburned - learn the SupaWay - pretend to hate supa and give stuff away to build friendships - claim you are now broke and beg for donations << classic text-book Supa Scam
36257 bigtip 193 moarrr 2014-08-04 18:57:58 1 provided btc for OTC raffle
36931 mircea_popescu 179 moarrr 2014-10-12 10:51:56 1 Guy's black and he drew me on a blackboard. In white chalk.
24889 bitnumus 172 moarrr 2013-05-03 09:32:01 1 bought btc for gbp
29542 diatonic 172 moarrr 2013-08-16 19:33:38 2 BTC for my Amazon Int'l delivery service
36093 csm 162 moarrr 2014-07-19 19:02:37 2
30299 aldur1 157 moarrr 2013-09-30 18:14:01 5 several large trades, no issues. Would reccoment
29517 genericpersona 140 moarrr 2013-08-16 04:51:51 1 Got .02 BTC for watching a video of him dropping pastries on the ground for a girl to crush w/ her high heels. I came.
27457 markus 138 moarrr 2013-07-16 17:08:16 1 my ppusd (to a 3rd party) for his btc
29189 MonocleMan 115 moarrr 2013-08-15 12:28:50 1 He had me watch a video, sent me small amount of coin.
29518 TheButterZone 109 moarrr 2013-08-23 07:59:00 1 Paid me a few bounties despite them being a piece of cake.
23436 fluffypony 103 moarrr 2013-04-09 11:50:40 1 a real good guy, true class
23287 tencevad 102 moarrr 2013-04-08 20:50:30 1 sold LTC for BTC successfully; super nice guy!
36250 RainMan28 100 moarrr 2014-08-04 06:37:40 1 Bought 0.05 BTC from him for 5 cents. Felt like I was buying BTC in 2011.
36256 foggyb 88 moarrr 2014-08-04 18:43:23 1 Sold him $10 GP gift card.
29534 iwilcox 71 moarrr 2013-08-16 11:56:23 1 He paid me BTC to pay off ~GBP100 of his credit card by UKBT; he sent first; patient, friendly and keen to ensure a fair rate
29631 dmzpkts 71 moarrr 2013-09-29 07:53:14 3 legit dude. Came through as promised..
36788 RBecker 42 moarrr 2014-09-20 06:59:49 -2 Seems shifty in general, thinks its okay to willy nilly burn Bitcoin for no good reason, general douchebaggery
29519 arbitrage 41 moarrr 2013-08-16 05:00:23 1 baked goods anyone?
23250 alecpap 39 moarrr 2013-04-08 14:36:16 1 bought btc with pp
29533 luke-jr 36 moarrr 2013-08-16 12:18:59 -1 Attempting to help Supa turn a new leaf. This is a good thing, but I don't believe Supa is going to improve.
29751 hashkey 29 moarrr 2013-08-23 08:00:21 1 Fulfilled his word on the reward for his reddit-youtube task, thanks!
23437 skywalker594 23 moarrr 2013-04-09 12:22:22 1 for 0.1BTC paypal
23245 Rozal 4 moarrr 2013-04-08 14:33:01 2 Helped escrow payment to recieve giftcard
29632 ixaeon 4 moarrr 2013-08-19 07:14:21 1 Sent me .001 because he's a nice guy :)
23244 aksyn 3 moarrr 2013-04-08 14:32:15 2 amazon gift card 10GBP for BTC. Smooth transaction via escrow.
36305 danielpbarron -34 moarrr 2014-08-10 18:08:06 -2 idiot scambait.
29516 tim-tams -46 moarrr 2013-08-16 04:51:02 1 His BTC for my review services. Warning: Strange videos
36252 gawzirabaws -56 moarrr 2014-08-05 17:22:53 2 very helpful and trustworthy guy. loaned me $25 out of the blue upon me mentioning how i was coming up just shy of being able to find all the BTC i was attempting to aquire at reasonable rates via methods i could pay. offerred me, a stranger, a purely friendly interest free loan for two months. i repaid the next morning with a little tip anyways