You are currently viewing all ratings received by user majinx.

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About majinx

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List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
17562 BCB 1043 majinx 2014-03-16 04:38:33 -1 I've had lots of good trades with him but I recently saw this: I HATE scammers.
25556 DoctorBTC 416 majinx 2013-05-20 23:22:53 1 His PPUSD for my .65 BTC. Quick & Easy.
22497 MmmmYah 313 majinx 2013-03-28 02:00:21 1 quick btc for ppusd ...
24397 Immuzikation 275 majinx 2013-04-23 23:13:57 1 My BTC-e for PP. Fast and smooth!
28118 Jamesonwa 241 majinx 2013-08-01 06:53:19 1 My BTC for his PP (~$83 will update if things change)
13572 bonks 240 majinx 2012-08-12 04:52:36 1 Sold him some BTC. Showed me his eBay account for additional ratings
13520 Ssateneth 235 majinx 2013-01-10 02:24:39 5 I sold him BTC for his PPUSD many times. Smallish transactions.
26341 danieldaniel 230 majinx 2013-06-13 00:49:40 1 Quick PPUSD -> BTC
14317 starsoccer 191 majinx 2012-10-23 02:53:13 2 a couple pp to btc trades had a problem once but seemed like a honest mistake
16144 aethero 189 majinx 2012-10-15 13:48:34 2
14829 MonocleMan 115 majinx 2013-04-25 04:43:33 2 Class act, couple of deals for pp
19789 TheButterZone 109 majinx 2013-01-19 07:23:03 1 BTC for my PP
28120 fluffypony 103 majinx 2013-08-01 07:05:53 1 quick, successful transaction - my BTC for his PPUSD
19067 Ex0deus 101 majinx 2013-01-13 07:28:06 2 fast smooth btc transactoins
16897 ElevatedDownfall 75 majinx 2012-11-04 02:10:47 1 donated PPUSD for 1 btc
12320 Metabank 73 majinx 2012-10-14 23:57:16 3 few transactions gox -> pp, all nice
26347 themartianist 54 majinx 2013-06-13 03:13:57 1 my PPUSD for his btc, smooth transaction.
13696 uw 48 majinx 2012-08-15 17:59:25 1 gcheckout for btc trade. Smooth transaction
14691 knokturnl 45 majinx 2013-02-21 04:46:04 3 Quick and easy every time, his PPUSD for my BTC
26234 KoSoVaR 42 majinx 2013-06-09 04:54:42 1 small trade ppusd for btc, great
23251 opello 37 majinx 2013-04-08 15:57:33 1 no txn but helped out, offered to escrow
13503 fbastage 26 majinx 2012-08-10 17:24:22 1 he bought 5btc via paypal
22475 LoweryCBS 23 majinx 2013-03-27 22:50:44 3 I've made several small-to-medium size loans to majinx; all payments have been timely.
15315 Usagi 21 majinx 2012-09-27 15:37:25 1 I sold Majinx 16.7 BTC for PPUSD. Will add conf. after 60 days!
26349 p-town-lights 20 majinx 2013-06-13 03:37:16 1 quick and easy small PPUSD transaction. I received my order quickly
20741 gaantr2 19 majinx 2013-02-20 20:53:36 1 Sold BTC for PP, good trader.
19611 QuattroCV 18 majinx 2013-01-13 06:18:41 1 sold 7.5btc via ppusd smooth transaction
17765 adamjgmiller 16 majinx 2012-11-22 03:27:50 1 nice quick transaction he sent me PPUSD and I sent back BTC
25106 melsin 16 majinx 2013-05-08 05:10:47 1 sold them btc for pp transaction went smooth
17431 tortib 8 majinx 2012-11-16 00:07:28 1 sold btc for ppusd smooth & fast transaction
24525 greenmaji 7 majinx 2013-04-26 07:10:46 2 cool guy BTC for PPUSD
13089 lessless 5 majinx 2012-07-26 19:51:28 1 bought BTC for PPUSD No Issues ;)
23882 brott_ar 2 majinx 2013-04-14 03:10:16 2 Bought BTC>PP. Easy
23228 gregsn 1 majinx 2013-04-08 02:42:38 8 thanks for helping me out! no real transaction, but quite some hours of help!