You are currently viewing all ratings received by user contagion.

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About contagion

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 4462 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
15185 GlooBoy 252 contagion 2012-09-25 17:29:06 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
14432 Ssateneth 235 contagion 2012-09-07 06:53:09 -4 possible scammer, ran off with DragonReach's money. Will remove if they conclude business.
14455 starsoccer 191 contagion 2012-09-07 10:27:09 -10 owes me money
14433 DragonReach 4 contagion 2012-09-07 07:03:16 -10 payed for 4 BTC via paypal and was never sent coins,
15171 insanebit -8 contagion 2012-09-25 13:40:35 10 good miner
14424 ninjaa -31 contagion 2012-09-07 01:35:39 8 bought small amount of btc for mp