You are currently viewing all ratings received by user MichaelNightTime.

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About MichaelNightTime

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 5126 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
3379 ne0futur 353 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-31 19:26:40 1 small and fast transaction
3099 toffoo 249 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-26 11:52:56 1 good first time trade
3401 bitcoinTrader 104 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-01 02:13:52 2 successful paypal transaction
3541 jgarzik 95 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-02 18:14:39 1
5766 dcash 86 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-27 14:36:40 1 small-medium pptx
3516 rothgar 53 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-02 14:50:25 1
5648 SerajewelKS 50 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-24 13:55:29 1 Bought his album for BTC, good stuff
4787 rgm3 49 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-10 16:43:23 3 Fast, trustworthy, excellent, thanks!
3357 Drise 42 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-31 16:02:53 1 nice msuic, quick response for the download.
6627 sYN4P515 37 MichaelNightTime 2011-08-09 18:37:02 3 payment recieved promptly
3390 diki 27 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-31 22:40:21 1
16239 fbastage 26 MichaelNightTime 2012-10-18 19:33:15 -3 WARNING: this nick is not set to ENFORCE. a name squatter is sitting on this name conning people with this person's rating
3048 benlake 25 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-25 16:31:31 1 quick and smooth 3 BTC
6194 Reikoku 16 MichaelNightTime 2011-07-15 13:35:55 2 Great trader, I lost my download code and he recovered it for me
5983 william1212 14 MichaelNightTime 2011-07-06 13:50:47 1 purchased his album with BTC Very smooth Transaction
3104 C4colo 13 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-26 13:38:47 2 very helpful and friendly quick simple transaction
3515 giuly 13 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-02 13:01:23 1 Very solid trade
16455 Nothing4You 13 MichaelNightTime 2012-10-23 22:33:25 -3 WARNING: this nick is not set to ENFORCE. a name squatter is sitting on this name conning people with this person's rating
3036 kork 11 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-25 13:37:37 1 good trade
5601 septic 11 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-23 15:45:20 5 great music! thanks!
5611 Dragonai 9 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-23 17:49:57 1 Exchanged albums. Awesome guy. Bitcoin musicians are the future!
5612 bougyman 8 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-23 18:12:36 2 great tunes, and as flac for +1 bonus!
2720 ahmedapr27 7 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-19 20:36:50 1 sold 3.8 BTC via paypal
3109 jackc 7 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-26 14:43:39 1
5619 povaddict 7 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-23 19:37:02 1 electronically delivered product quite fast
3551 kevinmonk 4 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-02 18:51:04 1 Helped me with first trade with PPUSD
3377 jacker224 3 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-31 18:10:27 1 super trade
4618 underyx 3 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-09 12:56:46 1 Fast and smooth transaction, I sold BTC for PayPal USD
5445 _Steve_ 2 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-20 17:55:44 1 quick deal, all as expected
3514 Hurwitz 1 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-02 12:59:36 1 Helped me with my first transaction
3098 McMini -2 MichaelNightTime 2011-05-26 11:50:59 1 Fast & nice trade
16789 techmrw -3 MichaelNightTime 2012-11-01 06:24:18 -1 WARNING: Nick squatter is using this identity. This person is NOT who he claims to be. Don't get scammed. I will remove this rating if you identify, enforce and auth to gribble.
3522 cgsuarez -18 MichaelNightTime 2011-06-02 15:43:17 1