You are currently viewing all ratings received by user MagicalTux.

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About MagicalTux

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 5158 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
986 nanotube 804 MagicalTux 2014-09-29 04:53:41 -5 the news speaks for itself.
753 Keefe 614 MagicalTux 2011-04-04 06:42:06 6
34001 episking- 504 MagicalTux 2014-02-26 15:15:58 -10 stole ~30 BTC from me, and ~770,000 BTC from others. Will update rating if they make good.
20025 Michail1 439 MagicalTux 2014-03-13 03:33:21 -8 Scammer - Worse than pirateat40
38641 ne0futur 353 MagicalTux 2018-01-15 05:57:41 9 know him since he was 14
1307 toffoo 249 MagicalTux 2011-04-25 03:31:40 4 if we don't trust him, who can we trust? ;)
1302 MBS 224 MagicalTux 2011-04-25 01:47:33 1
34882 mircea_popescu 179 MagicalTux 2014-04-24 11:39:12 -1 Overly large fuckwit.
5857 OneFixt 168 MagicalTux 2011-06-29 23:43:12 7
36326 csm 162 MagicalTux 2014-09-07 21:30:55 -5
37720 felipelalli 118 MagicalTux 2015-04-17 21:54:12 -3 I do not trust him. Not sure if he is innocent or not but he deals very bad with his customers
20026 a5m0 109 MagicalTux 2013-01-27 08:01:01 2 Has helped me fix stuff on Mt.Gox before, site has never wronged me.
895 jgarzik 95 MagicalTux 2011-04-04 06:32:18 8
33890 joecool 85 MagicalTux 2014-04-24 21:45:23 -7 The George W. of the bitcoin world
1480 doublec 72 MagicalTux 2011-04-30 04:26:13 2
34330 Apocalyptic 59 MagicalTux 2014-03-27 08:06:53 -8 mtgox fiasco
33983 bingoboingo 56 MagicalTux 2014-02-26 04:02:05 -10 wanted everybody's personal information, offered none of its
38298 aegis 53 MagicalTux 2016-03-15 04:59:47 -5 ran mtgox into the ground in a probable ponzi scheme. I don't trust him.
788 Blitz 51 MagicalTux 2011-03-23 07:13:25 1
5324 SerajewelKS 50 MagicalTux 2011-06-17 04:20:34 4
35752 Hasimir 50 MagicalTux 2014-06-21 21:39:52 -8 left the biggest BTC exchange in the world vulnerable, had some good trades before that. Only good thing to say is he hasn't done a runner, though took the bankruptcy avoidance option.
33992 thickasthieves 43 MagicalTux 2014-02-26 04:00:14 -10 Caused my father-in-law to call my wife worried about whether I got out of bitcoin before it died.
34880 davout 42 MagicalTux 2014-04-24 11:37:53 -10
1247 da2ce7 36 MagicalTux 2011-04-23 04:07:30 3
1455 Chinu 36 MagicalTux 2011-04-29 13:14:30 1
33993 asciilifeform 35 MagicalTux 2014-02-26 05:17:00 -10 pathetic Judas Goat.
4995 ottodv 33 MagicalTux 2011-06-12 06:24:44 1 Very helpful and responsive, solved a problem I had on MtGox.
191 Noodles 31 MagicalTux 2011-05-06 07:22:04 5
33988 mike_c 31 MagicalTux 2014-02-26 01:06:17 -2 ran a fractional reserve exchange
20124 Usagi 21 MagicalTux 2013-01-30 02:55:09 1 thank you
33765 jk9357 21 MagicalTux 2014-02-14 20:32:46 -1 If gox is solvent I'll buy you a Frappucino
1273 kblessinggr 17 MagicalTux 2011-04-24 10:27:41 1
752 dirtyfilthy 16 MagicalTux 2011-03-17 02:49:54 1
3343 BitcoinBaltar 16 MagicalTux 2011-05-31 05:40:48 7 Have done several good size transactions with Mt Gox, inbound wires were received very fast.
33761 qwertyoruiop 16 MagicalTux 2014-02-14 13:08:37 -10 Fat fuck. Congrats for treating your clients like shit. Asshole.
307 Sofox 15 MagicalTux 2011-01-16 21:31:53 2
34028 pankkake 13 MagicalTux 2014-02-27 13:13:53 -1 ate all the coins
1304 johnlockwood 11 MagicalTux 2011-04-29 04:14:04 2
1311 BTCHerder 9 MagicalTux 2011-04-25 03:52:58 1
1806 eMansipater 5 MagicalTux 2011-05-05 06:43:28 3
13841 dust 5 MagicalTux 2012-08-19 06:20:16 7 Many successful transfers to and from mtgox
15490 OgNasty 5 MagicalTux 2012-09-29 22:53:30 1
897 remanifest 4 MagicalTux 2011-04-04 07:13:47 1 MtGox PayPal
1378 Hiro2 3 MagicalTux 2011-04-27 03:57:39 3
2361 journeyofrivers 3 MagicalTux 2011-05-14 11:51:48 1
34031 bad_duck 3 MagicalTux 2014-02-27 20:56:48 -1 Où sont mes goxBTC... ?
5567 graingert 2 MagicalTux 2011-08-21 16:48:17 1
722 weinerk 1 MagicalTux 2011-03-10 11:54:29 1
632 dduane -6 MagicalTux 2011-02-27 22:04:52 2
33982 rrichard -6 MagicalTux 2014-02-26 00:46:05 1 seems like a good guy
34994 Sammey -17 MagicalTux 2014-04-28 03:02:09 -10 Fuck MtGox...
19904 stamit -24 MagicalTux 2013-08-15 22:15:25 5 MtGox worked fine for me, so far, as far as I could see, except for a few minor problems. MagicalTux has been mostly responsive. Beware, as MagicalTux may be forced by some armed people to do things he wouldn't otherwise do.
34905 danielpbarron -34 MagicalTux 2014-05-05 03:31:28 -5 allegedly ran mtgox into the ground; hundreds of thousands of BTC managed poorly.