You are currently viewing all ratings sent by user GlooBoy.

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About GlooBoy

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 309 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings sent [json]

id rater nick rated nick ratee total rating created at
rating notes
17960 GlooBoy BCB 1043 2012-11-27 01:38:43 2 BTC--->mySERVE - Fast and Easy.
13627 GlooBoy nanotube 804 2014-10-01 00:53:05 4 The Guy.
19856 GlooBoy episking- 504 2013-01-21 06:08:53 2 Fast GoxUSD--->myPP. Thx
37510 GlooBoy BigBitz 481 2015-01-30 18:52:08 3 Has been right on more than 1 occasion -Trusted OTCer
15021 GlooBoy Michail1 439 2012-09-21 17:18:30 2 Provided me w/ Loan. Thanks for the Trust.
38053 GlooBoy DoctorBTC 416 2015-08-17 02:55:50 3 Thanks for the small loan.
27899 GlooBoy Blazed 378 2015-01-10 03:06:41 4 LongTimer - Mucho Trusto
38632 GlooBoy ne0futur 353 2017-12-08 17:26:08 3 One of OTCs finest - watched do 100's of trades. and helped 1000's who asked over a 5 year span... it doesn't get any better
12145 GlooBoy gribble 297 2014-04-07 23:48:48 -2 Took the bribe money -- Failed to delivery
18334 GlooBoy Immuzikation 275 2013-02-11 14:12:11 3 GOXUSD--->myPP. Easy Peasy...
13404 GlooBoy Azelphur 252 2012-08-07 20:48:23 1 BTC for SteamGame - Painless Trans.
10163 GlooBoy pigeons 248 2016-04-29 18:50:21 3 Trusted OTCer - I shipped a item in the mail for btc.
18169 GlooBoy Jamesonwa 241 2013-03-09 05:50:58 8 Too Much Business to count. Thx for the Trust..
19403 GlooBoy bonks 240 2013-11-23 18:56:36 4 Steam and other giftcards for BTC.. Always a pleasure.
20001 GlooBoy Ssateneth 235 2014-05-15 15:13:52 7 valued member of the community. and smacks bitches down
20850 GlooBoy danieldaniel 230 2014-04-05 17:59:11 3 Long time OTCer. Couple of Small Trades. Less than 50$ apiece.
12669 GlooBoy MBS 224 2012-07-14 21:10:52 2 $200 MP-->GOX trade. A friend bought a USB Drive. A+ Service
16678 GlooBoy Cusipzzz 195 2016-06-17 03:42:35 5 mySteam - myPP - myCodes -- HellofaGuy..
11573 GlooBoy starsoccer 191 2013-01-30 02:53:10 -4
25998 GlooBoy aethero 189 2013-06-17 23:08:22 -10 disappeared with 500 coin outstanding btcJams loan -- -- and all the IPO monies from zaggap est at low 6 digitsUSD total-
10588 GlooBoy arij 184 2015-11-11 00:14:01 2 LR to BTC and giftcard consignment purchase
10639 GlooBoy jcpham 169 2012-11-17 03:31:32 2 MP->myBTC and BTC-->myAmazon.
13552 GlooBoy deego 165 2012-08-11 19:00:56 1 Fast BTC-->Amazon - Painless :)
17195 GlooBoy sgornick 159 2012-11-10 00:11:44 1 Fast BTC--->myPP
10274 GlooBoy rg 157 2014-04-09 21:32:36 -8 busted playing hide and go-seek your money elsewhere
14235 GlooBoy noitev 142 2012-08-31 17:24:11 1 PP---->myBTC. I expect zero problems. Very Well Rated WoT. Thanks for the Trust.
11717 GlooBoy grubles 141 2012-07-03 20:34:56 3 2nd-Fast BTC Trans. No Probles.
38498 GlooBoy EvanR 124 2016-12-02 19:56:58 2 GiftCard for myBTC - Easy Peasy
10837 GlooBoy BTChero 118 2012-12-20 19:23:57 3 Flawless BTC->LTC//BTC->myMP and Serve
10454 GlooBoy easystevey 116 2012-04-21 04:37:27 1 No Worries at all. First time I ever went first, Trust.
12521 GlooBoy a5m0 109 2012-07-10 23:44:15 1 CG for BTC mmmm, Pizza
35008 GlooBoy TheButterZone 109 2017-02-19 23:03:51 1 Wardens choice for 2017 Pardon - Long Live the Spammer Revolution.
35068 GlooBoy fluffypony 103 2015-03-09 16:18:13 4 Easy Peasy, BTC--->my multi iTunes - - - Trusted OTCer
24691 GlooBoy tencevad 102 2013-04-29 18:11:51 1 Large purchase from - thanks for the trust.
37469 GlooBoy HoMM 98 2015-12-10 16:41:36 3 Trusted OTCer and sports shark - myBTC for PPUSD
21855 GlooBoy smickles 93 2013-03-23 20:26:15 2 BTC--->myLargeAmazon - Thx for the Trust
25081 GlooBoy BTCOxygen 92 2013-09-21 20:02:08 3 Multi purchases from and OTC - Thx for the Trust
38179 GlooBoy tweeeaks 92 2017-04-14 20:44:45 6 ....and it just keeps getting better - Much trust, always smooth - Never a worry.
17147 GlooBoy weenfan 90 2012-11-09 00:30:13 1 Fast BTC ---->Serve - Thx for the Trust.
18746 GlooBoy foggyb 88 2012-12-17 05:52:17 1 BTC-->myAmazon.CA My new kanook friend. Bundle Up.
37951 GlooBoy projectshifter 88 2015-06-25 16:32:35 3 Very nice old ratings - my First Trade, medium PP for myBTC - Not expecting any problems
12430 GlooBoy dcash 86 2012-11-08 07:42:04 5 Multi-BTC trans. Fast and Friendly. Thx 4 the Trust...
38496 GlooBoy joecool 85 2016-11-23 20:53:16 1 haven't scammed him yet. -- Will update when successful
13061 GlooBoy Phraust 79 2013-09-07 21:32:43 3 Multi and personal trades. Always painless.
16335 GlooBoy ElevatedDownfall 75 2012-12-09 06:00:13 3 Many Successful Trans. Thanks for the Trust.
11583 GlooBoy Metabank 73 2013-05-12 06:59:03 -10 Currently being squatted by a scammer DO NOT TRADE
38226 GlooBoy wahbaduck 73 2016-01-24 04:53:07 2 myBTC for PPUSD - Dont foresee any problems with this well rated trader
14823 GlooBoy theymos 71 2012-11-01 01:18:58 2 BTC for myPP.
22518 GlooBoy Billdr 69 2013-03-28 14:10:52 2 Loyal iTradeBTC customer. Thx for the Trust.
38109 GlooBoy LobsterMan 67 2015-09-09 16:45:30 2 myBTC for ppusd -- First trade for us but I dont foresee any problems. Welcome to my WoT
10923 GlooBoy seco 65 2012-05-12 19:06:44 1 Thanks
21258 GlooBoy Aaron_TangCryp 65 2014-02-28 13:28:19 -10 This nick is being squatted by a SCAMMER. DO NOT TRADE. - will change this rating when the real Aaron shows up and protects it - OriginalRating: -1 cant run a honest contest..
37186 GlooBoy kingdom 64 2015-03-20 18:30:54 2 Couple of small PP Tx's - Looks like hes been trading PP sucsessfully for over a year now.
23065 GlooBoy darsie 63 2013-04-04 20:47:53 3 meant to rate earlier when I saw the Supa damage. Seen in OTC for months, never hear a single complaint. We need more like this one.
38541 GlooBoy Dizzle 61 2017-02-13 19:06:49 1 Hes a good guy - Always willing to help.
11288 GlooBoy Greed 55 2013-02-15 06:37:43 2 BTC Transaction and Steam purchase
25147 GlooBoy Rawted 55 2013-05-20 19:21:03 3 Thx for the Trust.
12163 GlooBoy Framedragger 52 2012-06-27 19:50:47 1 Fast and Easy BTC-PP Trade. Thx for the Trust.
13390 GlooBoy bubbleboy99 51 2012-08-07 08:04:53 2 Fast Transactions - A Fine addition to the Community :)
14271 GlooBoy boonies4u 51 2016-08-02 00:15:39 3 Fast Gox / Amazon---> myPP trade
10819 GlooBoy babbler 50 2012-10-25 19:30:47 3 Multi-Transactions. Thx for the Trust.
17467 GlooBoy SerajewelKS 50 2012-11-16 17:38:06 1 Fast BTC------->myPPUSD
18747 GlooBoy Hasimir 50 2012-12-17 06:14:57 1 Sm Fast BTC--->myLR.
10551 GlooBoy mod6 48 2012-06-05 00:47:21 3 Doesn't get any easier. Thx again -MP4BTC. 5th Trans..
16829 GlooBoy beeteecee 48 2012-11-02 03:13:49 1 Sm. BTC--->myLR - Answered his many questions. Welcome to OTC.
16027 GlooBoy knokturnl 45 2012-10-12 17:09:18 1 Fast and Painless, BTC--->myPP
12743 GlooBoy phungus 44 2013-03-19 18:14:51 5 Multi -myPP-->GOX/BTC, always fast and friendly....
11364 GlooBoy guruvan 43 2013-01-01 20:10:03 4 Fast and Easy Multi BTC/Gox trades...
19111 GlooBoy RBecker 42 2016-06-03 03:53:27 6 Many Trades but this rating is for being a great guy - Much Trust
35179 GlooBoy arbitrage 41 2014-05-07 20:00:29 -7 Scammed JturnerBTC - Nobody believed him. [08/30/13-13:07] <Arbitrage> You've made your decision about me. But when I'm still here in 6 months, maybe we can do some deals. and [08/30-13:02] <Arbitrage> JTurnerBTC sent me 4 BTC for Cash In Mail. I switched 2 packages. 1 to my brother and one to him.
14267 GlooBoy speed_racer8 40 2012-09-01 21:37:10 1 Fast PP-->BTC trade.
25651 GlooBoy alecpap 39 2013-05-23 18:44:44 1 Fast Dwolla-->myLTC. Thx for the Trust.
37582 GlooBoy mxtm 38 2015-02-19 21:52:59 1 Used my Escrow - followed instructions perfectly - Thanks for the Trust
15253 GlooBoy luke-jr 36 2012-09-26 02:24:09 5 just because
38049 GlooBoy cc1337 36 2016-01-15 05:44:14 4 Amazon for myBTC - myBTC for PPUSD -- Smooth.
13027 GlooBoy sic_nic 35 2012-07-25 04:18:18 1 Very Smooth Amazon e-Card for BTC. No Probs :
20804 GlooBoy senseless 35 2013-02-23 19:28:54 1 BTC-->my Xbox Live Gold
13237 GlooBoy UNOE227 33 2012-09-25 05:55:24 5 Thx for the Trust..
24624 GlooBoy eremes 32 2013-04-28 16:55:22 1 BTC--->myiTunes - Easy Peasy.
36706 GlooBoy DeepSpace 32 2015-03-02 18:22:07 3 BTC-->myGiftVisa and hisGiftVisa---->mySteam Gift.
36759 GlooBoy moarrr 32 2014-09-17 11:19:47 -8 scammer friend of SupaDupaJenkins - learned from the Supa play book on how to scam OTC - borrow from Supa - getburned - learn the SupaWay - pretend to hate supa and give stuff away to build friendships - claim you are now broke and beg for donations << classic text-book Supa Scam
38397 GlooBoy vragnaroda 32 2016-06-27 14:30:18 2 I miss him too..
12475 GlooBoy Elio19 30 2012-07-09 16:29:47 1 Easy BTC-->MP No Probs :)
12866 GlooBoy ultramancool 30 2012-12-21 19:29:21 2 Fast and Painless BTC and MP--->myPP..
26021 GlooBoy QuantumQrack 30 2013-06-03 12:02:03 1 myPizza-->BTC. Thx for the Trust
11207 GlooBoy Elmf 29 2012-05-26 05:05:13 1 Fast and Painless LR --> BTC
37831 GlooBoy coin_trader 29 2015-05-13 17:02:11 1 whipped out his LBC and I was very impressed.
10970 GlooBoy ataranlen 28 2012-05-15 15:58:13 1 Sm. Fast trade. Pleasant.
12452 GlooBoy anduck 28 2014-10-21 22:01:28 5 Doing what needs to be done. Thx for the help with that coding.
20482 GlooBoy ATC 26 2013-02-12 17:29:43 2 BTC--->myMP - Thanks for the Trust...
31916 GlooBoy fbastage 26 2013-11-24 20:51:08 3 Trusted OTCer. Runs the events Database
34999 GlooBoy coolty 26 2014-04-28 03:48:07 1 Easy BTC--->myGiftVisa - Thx 4 the trust
10941 GlooBoy nkr 24 2015-03-18 03:46:36 3 Thanks for the trust. - Why cant they all be this easy?
21866 GlooBoy tunafizz 24 2013-03-23 21:42:07 1 Fast BTC --->my MP - Thanks for the Trust.
12889 GlooBoy InstantBTC 23 2012-07-20 06:41:21 1 fast GOX --> myPP.
20072 GlooBoy novusordo 23 2013-02-18 20:18:23 2 Bought Multi Steam for BTC. Fast and Easy..
9238 GlooBoy neonindian 22 2013-06-10 21:52:23 8 He Gladly Returned a MtGox error/overpayment(27btc)| Many PP trades over 400 days apart :)
21260 GlooBoy nushor 22 2013-03-31 06:32:07 2 Fast BTC-->myPP - Quick and Easy.
31773 GlooBoy sovern 22 2013-11-27 16:08:30 1 Has become less and less of a ass each and every day.
36576 GlooBoy devthedev 22 2014-08-27 23:09:15 1 BTC--->my VisaGift
38107 GlooBoy puma1337 22 2015-09-08 16:08:55 1 Sold myBTC for Paypal - Seems to be a solid trader :)
37002 GlooBoy BiPolarBob 21 2014-10-21 22:43:39 -2 Teaching peeps how to get scammed by refusing to ident in OTC -- also gives money away to those who get scammed, teaching scammers to play the victim to get paid. More to come as I dig deeper
11222 GlooBoy BTC_Bear 20 2012-05-26 21:26:09 1 Thx for the Help
19335 GlooBoy Lohengrin 20 2013-08-23 00:53:54 6 Multi BTC Transactions - Thx for the Trust
10362 GlooBoy w00ly 19 2012-04-17 05:45:04 1 Lightning fast Trade, MP 4 BTC. Anytime
10892 GlooBoy forrestv 19 2012-05-11 03:04:11 1 Easy BTC for Visa.
14254 GlooBoy Sp0tter 18 2017-08-07 23:20:42 5 Multi GiftCard Purchases... Sm. PP for myBTC -- we traded for years
19389 GlooBoy polymorphous 18 2013-05-18 20:59:40 4 Multi MP Trades. Both Ways..
13470 GlooBoy coolkid321 17 2012-10-29 17:25:23 3 Bought MP/GameCodes for BTC. Sold me sm Amazon. Thx for the trust..
12491 GlooBoy Garr255 16 2013-01-02 13:31:49 3 Simple, Painless Amazon-->BTC / BTC-->VisaGift.
17570 GlooBoy sc4rface 16 2013-05-23 23:56:09 3 Multi Trades - MP/WU/GOX
38296 GlooBoy Newyorkadam 16 2016-03-14 19:39:52 1 Sm. PPUSD for myGiftCard
15102 GlooBoy mb300sd 15 2012-09-25 04:37:10 1 Fast BTC for myAmazonGC. Thanks for the Trust.
15106 GlooBoy ronsunrise 15 2012-10-02 16:54:47 2 Smooth BTC--->myVisaGift. Knows the GPG way - always a plus.
19174 GlooBoy vigilyn 15 2012-12-29 17:00:50 1 Fast MP--->myBTC. Thx for the Trust.
30018 GlooBoy Tombom52 15 2013-08-31 15:55:08 -4 Name is being squatted on. Looks like scammer took over the nick at freenode but refuses to talk to me or in channel or Auth. -- Currently PMing peeps. CAUTION
35402 GlooBoy zeus93 15 2014-05-28 19:35:58 -8 Last 4 outta 5 trades had a excuse tied to them about why they went wrong.. He disappeared with sciack's PP for coins trade after announcing in open channel he was waiting for a confirmation. Sings about how HIGH he is on drugs for hours on end.. ----Buyer Be Very Beware
17037 GlooBoy wafflebear937 14 2012-11-08 07:02:12 2 Multi MP--->myBTC
19605 GlooBoy CompulsiveConfig 14 2013-01-13 04:00:54 1 Fast Amazon -->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
10284 GlooBoy jamdunguy 13 2012-04-13 02:20:06 1 Fast and Painless Transaction
11009 GlooBoy Judge51 13 2012-11-09 06:14:40 7 Long Time Customer. Thx for the Trust.
15860 GlooBoy bendiken 13 2012-10-08 17:31:12 1 sm myAmazon--->BTC/GOX. Welcome to OTC
16852 GlooBoy d34th 13 2012-11-02 17:47:50 1 BTC--->myPP. Fast and Painless.
17445 GlooBoy scarletpimpernel 13 2012-12-21 03:58:42 5 Multi BTC Trans - Thx for the Trust..
18652 GlooBoy kasvag0r1an 13 2012-12-23 17:09:22 2 Fast BTC--> - Thx for the Trust.
29915 GlooBoy ruukasu 13 2013-08-28 15:21:29 1 Fast and Easy MP---->myBTC - Thanks for the Trust
10143 GlooBoy draco49 12 2012-04-05 05:28:59 1 Fast and Easy MP for BTC. Great Guy.
21476 GlooBoy borngborn 12 2013-03-13 21:55:27 1 Fast BTC --> myMP - Easy Peasy
25946 GlooBoy djtrey 12 2014-06-24 19:40:40 -9 This user has not authenticated for more than 383 days. A Scammer/Shiller is using this account to scam. Will change back if user ever auths again - Old Rating = +1 - BTC for Pizza - doesnt get any better.
38662 GlooBoy mats 12 2018-11-25 04:08:16 2 amazon for btc - they all need to be this easy.
13970 GlooBoy phantitox 11 2012-08-22 15:55:42 1 BTC-->myAmazon GC. Fast and friendly.
16215 GlooBoy tronco 11 2012-12-05 03:50:58 2 Multi BTC-->myMP. Thanks for the Trust.
16830 GlooBoy AtomicComic 11 2013-11-27 19:18:04 2 BTC for mySteam and sm. Serve - Thx for the trust
25391 GlooBoy thekerstone 11 2013-06-11 22:44:48 3 Fast Debit Reload Cards--->myBTC. Thx for the trust..
10342 GlooBoy publio 10 2012-04-16 03:05:03 1 super fast BTC for LR, Anytime :)
11283 GlooBoy diacetyl 10 2012-05-29 17:01:04 1 Quick MP --> BTC
14293 GlooBoy pochiraccoon 10 2012-09-02 08:24:52 1 BTC-->myMP. Fast and Painless
14834 GlooBoy Wooly 10 2012-09-16 19:03:39 2 Sm GC Trade. Did business as w00ly back in April. Seems like same person.
15355 GlooBoy reina 10 2012-11-29 20:14:25 3 Multi BTC---->myAmazon
17413 GlooBoy andrew12 10 2012-11-15 20:26:36 1 sm BTC--->myPP
17586 GlooBoy Alternity 10 2012-11-19 17:49:14 1 Fast MP---->myBTC. Welcome to OTC
19651 GlooBoy circadia 10 2015-03-03 15:56:14 4 Multi BTC-->myServe/mp. Small Amazon Trades - Welcome back
19724 GlooBoy IndieInc 10 2013-01-16 22:55:18 1 Fast MP--->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
35408 GlooBoy kadoban 10 2014-12-27 19:55:00 2 myUltraMobile Phone Refill for BTC - EasyPeasy
38415 GlooBoy Belsage 10 2016-07-25 21:14:03 1 Fast and Easy - myBtc for PPmyCashCard
13644 GlooBoy Imperial 9 2012-09-11 20:54:45 3 Fast and easy. Multi-MP/GC-->BTC transactions.
16525 GlooBoy Mitosis 9 2012-11-28 06:01:43 3 BTC--->my Multiple-MP and PP cards. Thanks for the Trust...
17300 GlooBoy Ravi 9 2012-11-13 01:10:33 1 Easy MP--->myBTC.
21786 GlooBoy astanix 9 2013-03-22 01:02:45 1 Fast BTC--myAmazon. Thx for the Trust.
37973 GlooBoy Steven_M 9 2015-07-14 03:45:11 1 50$ OffSite Gift Card Purchase - Welcome to OTC
11038 GlooBoy MonroeRich 8 2012-12-24 17:42:47 6 Multi Cash/PP-->BTC Exchange's know-IRL.
13003 GlooBoy MORA 8 2012-12-12 17:21:20 2 Fast Gox-->myPP Thanks.
14987 GlooBoy maximumrecursion 8 2012-09-20 21:24:37 1 Fast BTC--->myMP. Smooth
17066 GlooBoy Faeralini 8 2013-05-20 20:58:04 2 Multi MP---->myBTC. Thx for the Trust.
19086 GlooBoy scooby 8 2012-12-27 06:35:22 1 Fast and Easy - MP--->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
20455 GlooBoy ph0x 8 2015-01-31 13:59:56 -3 Hasn't been seen in OTC since I loaned him 5 SWC chips - Proof you shoudn't listen when peeps say Nobody scams for $5
10849 GlooBoy slybootz 7 2013-06-16 23:43:50 3 Multi Dwolla/MP for BTC Trade. Welcome to OTC.
12555 GlooBoy TrueBlood 7 2012-07-12 01:14:46 1 Fast and Easy PP-->BTC Welcome back to OTC :old user name of CMeloni
13747 GlooBoy reureu2k3 7 2012-08-17 01:12:01 1 Fast and Simple. MP -- > BTC. Thanks..
15728 GlooBoy ctj 7 2012-10-09 03:10:49 2 Multi successful MP-->myBTC. Thanks for the Trust.
30586 GlooBoy tigger0 7 2013-09-26 22:20:17 1 purchased decent sized t-mobile cards/PINS
37632 GlooBoy nezZario3 7 2015-03-09 22:28:20 1 my BTC for a small PPmyCASH Card - Fast and Easy Peasy
10688 GlooBoy bobbiscotti 6 2013-03-04 05:06:23 6 Many transactions PP,DW,MP-> BTC. Been trading with over 9 months.
12102 GlooBoy Gweebo 6 2012-06-26 09:45:27 1 Fast and Painless PP for BTC
15875 GlooBoy jkidd 6 2012-10-08 22:08:26 1 Bought me a phone card for btc. 1:1 exchange
17026 GlooBoy sainth 6 2013-03-12 16:36:48 2 , Easy BTC-->for NewEgg GiftCard - BTC->>myPP
17152 GlooBoy MetaLHeaD 6 2013-01-12 16:21:56 3 Multi Large MP---->myBTC. Thanks for the Trust!.
18164 GlooBoy textish 6 2012-12-01 05:37:32 1 Fast MP-->myBTC
19175 GlooBoy strode 6 2012-12-29 17:03:07 1 Sm. Amazon --->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
19356 GlooBoy dose1one 6 2013-02-22 18:53:17 2 Fast MP--->myBTC. Thanks for the Trust..
25162 GlooBoy mawueli 6 2013-05-09 15:04:07 1 BTC for iTunes @ iTradeBTC - thx for the support
28677 GlooBoy ThOr101 6 2013-08-28 19:45:05 2 Multi BTC purchases. Thanks for the Trust
28726 GlooBoy jeloneas 6 2013-08-10 05:17:52 1 Lg. MP--->myBTC -Thx for the Trust
10200 GlooBoy estafusis 5 2012-09-04 00:07:46 3 Multi MP-->BTC trades. Awesome.
10340 GlooBoy freddieisdead 5 2012-06-09 17:35:38 2 Multiple MP->BTC. Fast and Friendly.
10586 GlooBoy bizong 5 2012-07-19 19:39:16 2 Lightning fast MP for BTC. Thanks for the Trust.
11017 GlooBoy LooseyToo 5 2012-05-18 23:59:39 1 MP-->BTC. emails match 'old' gpg data. I believe to be one-and-the-same as user -Loosey
11026 GlooBoy Loosey 5 2012-05-19 01:00:35 1 Had to switch to LooseyToo. He Lost Original GPG info. Emails Match.
11719 GlooBoy andyg719 5 2012-06-14 03:54:46 2 Multi- BTC -4-> MP. Thanks for the Trust
12016 GlooBoy CFSworks 5 2012-06-23 20:54:26 1 Fast BTC trans. Welcome Back ;)
15852 GlooBoy _CJ_ 5 2013-08-15 18:36:22 4 Multi Transactions - Thx for the Trust.
20855 GlooBoy boyscoutdreams 5 2013-02-27 03:08:29 1 Fast MP--->myBTC - knows how to listen - Welcome to OTC
26468 GlooBoy chewbacca123 5 2013-06-16 15:36:50 1 Fast Debit Reload --> myBTC. Thx for the Trust..
32834 GlooBoy larrymo 5 2013-12-23 00:59:41 1 Sm MP for myBTC
37669 GlooBoy ihlo 5 2015-03-26 22:56:11 1 Small PP transaction - Welcome to OTC
10111 GlooBoy mambahome 4 2012-05-02 22:14:23 2 3 Fast Trades 1-MP and 2 sm. PP Trades ..Nice Guy!
10359 GlooBoy BWallaby 4 2012-11-09 03:44:59 4 Too Many BTC Transactions - Showed me Much Trust.
13428 GlooBoy dmn001 4 2012-11-30 21:52:36 2 BTC-->myAmazon and BTC-->myVisaGift. Thx for the Trust.
14017 GlooBoy fnsoopah 4 2012-08-24 03:15:26 1 Fast MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
15042 GlooBoy bdiekh2 4 2013-02-05 01:34:26 2 Multi MP--->myBTC
15867 GlooBoy hahahafr 4 2012-10-08 18:56:33 1 do the right thing
17034 GlooBoy tidus3 4 2012-11-21 01:23:06 1 Fast MP----->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
25150 GlooBoy d3former 4 2013-05-09 05:54:38 1 BTC--->myPrePaidVisa. Welcome to OTC..
26448 GlooBoy cryptokronjohnso 4 2013-06-15 06:28:29 1 Sm. Dwolla --> myBTC - Welcome to OTC
38599 GlooBoy Rozal 4 2017-06-19 01:12:14 -10 when i get it, ill get to it
9486 GlooBoy thecandyman 3 2012-03-03 04:24:43 1 Fast and Easy MoneyPak for BTC
10059 GlooBoy setiGod 3 2012-04-02 03:59:16 2 2 transactions MP for BTC. Anytime.
10308 GlooBoy awesomeo 3 2014-04-27 22:45:24 -10 scammer squatting this account - Make sure to have them auth. - DO NOT TRADE --old rating=1- BTC for PP. well established eBay record! Looks good so far :).
10545 GlooBoy kankle 3 2013-10-09 17:53:04 3 Multi trades. MP for btc and purchased wireless PIN
11077 GlooBoy lmlj 3 2012-05-22 06:23:33 1 Fast and Painless Trans. MP->BTC
12418 GlooBoy palr717 3 2012-08-25 05:27:18 3 Multi MP-->BTC, no probs. :)
12949 GlooBoy tommarku 3 2012-07-22 18:01:46 1 Fast and Easy MP-->BTC Welcome to OTC
15579 GlooBoy cooperm 3 2012-10-02 07:36:13 1 Fast and Easy MP-->myBTC, Thanks for the Trust.
17021 GlooBoy bitcoinbuyer 3 2012-11-06 22:30:11 1 Fast MP--->myBTC.
17889 GlooBoy rick123 3 2012-11-25 07:19:03 3 Known fron old nick 'pair717'. multi MP--->myBTC. WB to OTC.
18582 GlooBoy CrinkleCut 3 2012-12-10 21:58:50 1 Fast BTC -->myMP. Thx for the trust.
18926 GlooBoy zxcvbs 3 2012-12-22 07:14:40 1 Sm. Amazon-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
19247 GlooBoy Gaming4JC 3 2012-12-31 23:06:28 1 Fast MP--->myBTC. Thx for the Trust
19934 GlooBoy ShopWithCoins 3 2013-01-24 03:03:50 1 myAmazon @ - Welcome to OTC
32172 GlooBoy gpled 3 2013-11-30 06:23:31 -10 abuse of the rating system -
35020 GlooBoy bawse 3 2014-04-28 18:16:14 -2 Cries about WoT abuse and then thanks shillers who fluff his trustwortyness
35371 GlooBoy dwangoAC 3 2014-05-24 17:04:27 1 Enjoy dem Pancakes
37263 GlooBoy aperson444 3 2014-12-07 09:52:21 1 Small reLoadit for myBTC - Welcome to OTC
9915 GlooBoy GoldenAurora5436 2 2012-03-23 23:04:59 1 Fast and Easy MP for BTC
10894 GlooBoy pepsi08 2 2012-05-11 03:54:13 1 Fast and Painless, Dwolla for BTC. Welcome
10916 GlooBoy Robosapian123 2 2012-05-15 18:43:20 1 Helped get Authed. 2nd Fast sm. Dwol-->BTC Trade. Pleasant to work with.
10979 GlooBoy chilihotorcold 2 2012-05-18 00:54:29 2 Many MP-->BTC Transfers. Thanks for the Trust.
14779 GlooBoy psychedelicrcpan 2 2012-09-15 02:04:34 1 Fast and Easy MP-->myBTC, Thanks for the Trust.
15762 GlooBoy Patrick745 2 2012-12-14 22:58:02 2 Multi MP-->myBTC. Thx for the Trust.
16917 GlooBoy spongebob88 2 2012-11-05 03:22:28 1 Fast BTC--->myPP. Thanks for the Trust.
17734 GlooBoy honda316 2 2012-11-21 04:27:06 -1 Left me hanging when asked for MP proof and sold to TBZ instead. Known aliases: otb = ertetet = rack16 = honda316 = gavel = gave311 = trader262 = gabe9 = ip. hmmmmm
17755 GlooBoy crylina 2 2012-11-21 19:33:47 1 Fast MP---->myBTC. Thanks for the Trust
18874 GlooBoy coinsides 2 2012-12-20 20:21:35 1 Purchased 25$ iTunes from
18982 GlooBoy azuretek 2 2012-12-24 08:28:07 1 Fast MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
19510 GlooBoy mudkip4 2 2013-01-09 01:23:03 1 Fast MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
19525 GlooBoy imronburgandy 2 2013-01-09 17:12:49 2 Showed much patience when I had wallet probs.(FU multiBit)MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
19700 GlooBoy bitcoinservices 2 2013-01-16 01:26:58 1 Fast BTC -->myGiftVisa. Welcome to OTC.
24857 GlooBoy bassjax 2 2013-05-02 21:37:29 1 Fast MP---> myBTC. Welcome back to OTC.
28071 GlooBoy sjuded 2 2013-07-30 23:55:53 2 Multi Debit Reload/Amazon---->myBTC - Welcome to OTC
28655 GlooBoy optimator 2 2013-08-08 03:36:15 1 btc--> my starbucks - Easy Peasy
30534 GlooBoy parallel17 2 2013-09-23 16:17:04 1 His Reload for myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
37261 GlooBoy numberoneagent 2 2014-12-06 19:55:45 2 many small van reload cards trades - also buys phone reloads from me
9556 GlooBoy ffsket 1 2012-03-07 21:50:46 1 easy MP for BTC transaction. Welcome to OTC
10164 GlooBoy miton 1 2012-04-06 23:13:28 1 Flawless first MP transaction.. Welcome to OTC
10170 GlooBoy easye420 1 2012-04-11 21:58:08 1 Second in a week (2) MP for BTC. No Probs. Welcome to OTC.
10869 GlooBoy Buhdahl 1 2012-05-10 01:07:34 1 Easy Dwolla 4 BTC. Welcome to the OTC.
10905 GlooBoy x_ian 1 2012-05-12 01:53:55 1 Easy Mp --> BTC Trade. Welcome to OTC.
12138 GlooBoy yolo_ 1 2012-06-27 02:33:39 1 Fast and Pleasant MP-BTC. Welcome to OTC
13383 GlooBoy defactomacro 1 2012-08-07 00:02:36 1 Fast and Easy MP-->BTC. Welcome to OTC..
13737 GlooBoy kt5000 1 2012-08-16 21:16:26 1 Cash-->BTC. Welcome to OTC.
13911 GlooBoy fixthefernback 1 2012-08-21 02:31:39 1 Fast BTC for my-MP. Welcome to OTC.
14158 GlooBoy varcher 1 2012-08-28 18:16:05 1 Fast and Painless MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
14968 GlooBoy null_radix 1 2012-09-20 05:13:48 1 Smooth MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC
15040 GlooBoy jayessle 1 2012-09-22 03:04:26 1 Fast BTC--->iTunes at 15% off, Good Deal.
15109 GlooBoy MoscowR 1 2012-09-25 07:29:57 1 Fast MoneyPak--->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
16865 GlooBoy b0nsai 1 2012-11-03 01:44:28 1 BTC---->myMP. Welcome to OTC
17120 GlooBoy dr3adlok 1 2012-11-08 14:52:40 1 MP---->myBTC. Welcome to OTC
17295 GlooBoy legitnick1 1 2012-11-17 21:26:09 2 Fast BTC ------>myMP - 2 trades
18142 GlooBoy bdiekh 1 2012-11-30 19:01:51 1 Fast MP---->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
18913 GlooBoy mikehard3 1 2012-12-21 19:38:23 1 Fast MP-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
18990 GlooBoy jenic 1 2012-12-24 18:09:15 1 Fast AmazonGC-->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
21074 GlooBoy tylercrumpton 1 2013-03-04 04:04:13 1 Fast BTC--->my sm. Amazom - Welcome to OTC
23223 GlooBoy rossiya2 1 2013-04-08 01:28:18 1 GiftCard -->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
24858 GlooBoy Bassmentjax 1 2013-05-02 21:38:14 1 Fast MP---> myBTC. Welcome back to OTC.
25136 GlooBoy rootscout 1 2013-05-08 23:35:15 1 Fast MP--->myBTC. Welcome to OTC.
31465 GlooBoy Job316 1 2013-11-11 01:00:47 1 Fast Amazon for myBTC. Welcome to OTC
33872 GlooBoy Ph0x1 1 2014-02-20 02:14:39 1 Serve-->myBTC - No Problems. notes:This is a transfer rating from OTC user account Ph0x
35128 GlooBoy Satoshi_N 1 2014-05-04 15:55:57 1 Sm. Smooth Deal
37264 GlooBoy cyanide3222 1 2014-12-07 10:01:52 1 Small reLoadit for myBTC - Welcome to OTC
16586 GlooBoy robbyb -1 2012-10-26 19:41:32 1 BTC, GOX, LR --->myMP - Welcome to OTC
28645 GlooBoy medicab -1 2013-08-08 01:10:16 -3 Sent me to the store for a MP and then he purchased elsewhere. Made me go out of my way claiming he couldnt wait a hour . So i drove only to the MP store. ?Karma? Turns out, he just may be the 66.87.*.* scammer that repeatedly comes in here and scams. <-Everyone that knows this scam will agree he has all the exact same characteristics of said scammer. I would be careful
29834 GlooBoy lawlex -2 2013-08-26 01:46:02 -10 Scammer AKA fireflames and Cynz and Cammansti and he'll be back.
14617 GlooBoy runaways -3 2012-09-10 15:32:29 -10 Shill Account AKA:dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
16474 GlooBoy AJM -3 2012-10-24 06:53:48 1 Fast BTC--->myVisaGift. Thanks for the Trust.
16593 GlooBoy techmrw -3 2012-10-26 20:22:44 1 sm btc transaction
19050 GlooBoy Oldsport -3 2013-06-29 23:40:00 -4 mailaddy- Oldsport still owes me payment for 25 BTC, and just gave me an invalid MoneyGram number and it seems like he just took 300 MP from dmrbs and then quit. 06/29-19:16
29042 GlooBoy yuppydog -3 2013-08-14 02:33:41 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, Dimon, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
29040 GlooBoy tellerpens -4 2013-08-14 02:33:41 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
30216 GlooBoy gij0e -4 2013-09-07 17:33:26 -5 Got some explaining to do. Seems to have purchased from my store and re-sold item, only to order a replacement and void the original.
38555 GlooBoy jessbabe -5 2017-03-23 16:17:44 -6
18707 GlooBoy AtomChildren -6 2012-12-18 05:24:17 -2 Times up. Seems to have backed out of a deal w/ aspera. Bragging earlier about how he cannot be a scammer.
30374 GlooBoy instinct1 -6 2013-09-15 07:53:42 -8 Caught shilling his own account. instinct1 and britcoin are the same person. britcoin was kicked out of -otc-uk for scamming -->
33316 GlooBoy LITTLE1 -6 2014-01-20 02:57:22 -5 Proof you didnt scam and I'll remove this neg rating
14615 GlooBoy forgiven -7 2012-09-10 15:31:31 -10 Shill Account AKA:dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
14895 GlooBoy skylamp -7 2012-09-18 19:58:04 -10 Known Scammer. AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = CRMA
14931 GlooBoy needcoins -7 2012-09-18 20:35:55 -10 SHILL Account Known Scammer. AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = jackdaniels = CRMA = insanebits = needcoins
29041 GlooBoy mbff -7 2013-08-14 02:33:41 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
10933 GlooBoy n0n00dz4u -8 2012-05-12 21:44:39 -2 Avoid at all costs. Possible scammer. Definite Asshole. Bad grammer.
14930 GlooBoy insanebit -8 2012-09-25 17:28:17 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
30453 GlooBoy mezolithic -8 2013-09-20 02:02:35 -8 admitted to scamming parallel17
31908 GlooBoy BinaryP -8 2013-11-24 15:40:54 -8 Damm right I am
32767 GlooBoy Gypsyy -8 2013-12-19 20:36:40 -10 Shill Account
11575 GlooBoy tisha -9 2012-06-26 20:55:46 -6 Calling it. Definate Scammer. Hasn't shown face since disappearing with ffsket's 315MP. May have returned using different nick. Always looking for MP's - Beware
13660 GlooBoy payne32 -9 2012-08-14 18:28:10 1 Fast and Easy VisaGift -->BTC. Welcome to OTC.
15186 GlooBoy dantheman -9 2012-09-25 17:41:03 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
15188 GlooBoy TheBitcoinFox -9 2012-09-25 18:25:42 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
15402 GlooBoy cond0r -9 2012-09-28 20:40:07 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 224EUR
15403 GlooBoy kevmitnick -9 2012-09-28 20:40:35 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 224EUR
29590 GlooBoy HappyFish -9 2013-08-18 03:46:19 1 Sm. Amazon for SWC Chips
29835 GlooBoy bunz -9 2013-08-26 03:02:55 -10 Shill account of lawlex AKA fireflames and Cynz and Cammansti.
29863 GlooBoy wildwing -9 2013-08-27 01:05:20 -10 Scammer AKA lawlex and fireflames and Cynz and Cammansti and he'll be back. yet again
29864 GlooBoy SeanL -9 2013-08-27 01:06:33 -10 Shill account used by scammer lawlex and fireflames and Cynz and Cammansti and he'll be back. yet again
29936 GlooBoy Downandout -9 2013-08-29 01:11:22 -10 Scammer AKA wildwing and lawlex and fireflames and Cynz and Cammansti and he'll be back. yet again.
30044 GlooBoy roscoetouch -9 2013-09-01 16:56:46 -10 obvious shill account for tekkend / sumyungai
32171 GlooBoy tookish -9 2013-11-30 06:22:06 -10 back at ya
32768 GlooBoy Rubbaa -9 2013-12-19 20:36:40 -10 Shill Account
33896 GlooBoy lordizon -9 2014-02-21 00:21:09 -10 Shill account used by bigegoer to help in his scam
34433 GlooBoy tobinson -9 2014-04-04 03:32:53 -10 hi bro
32449 GlooBoy btmrkt -10 2013-12-09 19:15:01 -10 Scammer
14619 GlooBoy starsocer -11 2012-09-10 15:33:21 -10 Shill Account AKA:dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
14799 GlooBoy ice1cube -11 2012-09-15 14:14:41 -10 shill account
14898 GlooBoy jackdaniels -11 2012-09-18 19:59:32 -10 SHILL Account Known Scammer. AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = jackdaniels = CRMA
15180 GlooBoy jsmoothbtc -11 2012-09-25 17:25:58 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
29907 GlooBoy Blitz- -11 2013-08-31 23:12:08 -8 I tried to warn/protect him from scammer wildwing and he told the guy I knew, within seconds of me trying to warn him. He refused to even speak to me about it. I negged him -4 the next day to get his attention and he went ballistic and still refused to talk about it. Ops had to toss him. 1 1/2 hours laters he started charging back all recent PP trades.
10614 GlooBoy darkanon -13 2012-06-29 18:47:48 -9 WARNING: 4/23: **UPDATE** 06/29 ** Heeee's back. aka: BlueMoon44, jjbinks, bluemoon22, silverbellgrl, sillydillydally, ace2002, embalmber, jespersharley, darkanon, pz, King_pz, SallyD(my favorite), and in OTC last night as 'deltatia ('. Also see ident james
14800 GlooBoy hawaiian -13 2012-09-15 14:15:00 -10 shill account
14896 GlooBoy menu -13 2012-09-18 19:58:36 -10 Known Scammer. AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = CRMA
14929 GlooBoy thebitman -13 2012-09-18 20:34:06 -10 Shill Account Known Scammer AKA AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = jackdaniels = CRMA = insanebits
15187 GlooBoy marksmiths -13 2012-09-25 17:49:53 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
26965 GlooBoy SuperTrooper420 -13 2013-07-01 05:17:37 -10 POS Scammer
30375 GlooBoy Britcoin -13 2013-09-15 07:53:45 -8 Caught shilling his own account. instinct1 and britcoin are the same person. britcoin was kicked out of -otc-uk for scamming -
30386 GlooBoy timechanger -13 2013-09-15 19:37:56 -10 Ran off with Xeldal's 3BTC, Scammer , do not trade. He will be back as someone new.
31407 GlooBoy onetv -13 2013-11-08 16:16:31 -8 Looks like our Scammer friend found another victim. [11/07-11:48] <onetv> thats a shame you never can do anything without getting scammed. dishonesty i hate it<<
34735 GlooBoy plaingabe -13 2014-04-17 23:58:37 -9 lilhatian scammer or shill used on that account
14462 GlooBoy mosth4ted -14 2012-09-07 17:30:39 -10 WARNING: Another NinjaA Shill Account. AKA: contagion, ninjad, dragonx, cecil, toocool, dknys, elohim, ezekiell
25978 GlooBoy kidcudi09 -14 2013-06-02 02:14:06 1 Enjoy dat Pizza.
29809 GlooBoy boogiedown -14 2013-09-04 20:35:05 -4 Gots some 'splaining to do - may have up and run. Will stay on top of it and adjust rating accordingly
30797 GlooBoy kingofsports -14 2013-10-07 17:45:59 -10 Disappeared for 3 weeks after borrowing from BigBitz Refuses to pay back his owed 2BTC. Already back to borrowing/betting at SWC's - Buyer Beware - bitcointalk rep thread -
14897 GlooBoy btclr -15 2012-09-18 20:06:47 -10 SHILL Account Known Scammer. AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = jackdaniels = CRMA
15401 GlooBoy neverbtc -15 2012-09-28 20:39:37 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 224EUR
14771 GlooBoy domino -16 2012-09-14 20:23:54 -10 known scammer AKA dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
14974 GlooBoy HenryRou -16 2012-09-22 02:39:19 -3 Looks like he bought a rating to scam others.
15185 GlooBoy contagion -16 2012-09-25 17:29:06 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
31878 GlooBoy LuckyHeaven -16 2013-11-23 07:50:58 -8 Known Scammer Nettles aka samsun
34692 GlooBoy lilhatian -16 2014-04-16 12:48:50 -9 Scammed a 500$ MP and rumored to be speading PP that isnt his (MITM perhaps)
14614 GlooBoy completed -17 2012-09-10 15:30:55 -10 Shill Account AKA:dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
15816 GlooBoy JSONbourne -17 2012-10-07 07:04:50 -5 possible theTruthx scammer
19082 GlooBoy BeholdGlow -17 2013-01-04 19:55:58 -2 Gots some explaning to do. See adinxn's rating.
30045 GlooBoy tekkend -17 2013-09-01 16:57:45 -10 Scammed for MP's - Ops say he is sumyungai, a known scammer
30303 GlooBoy eightDas -17 2013-09-11 18:19:57 -7 I did escrow 1 hour before he scammed --> 09/11-00:43 random_hero LOST $300 <--- Heres that rating you wanted soooo badly. -- Always beware those who seem to want the rating more then the coins. (the escrow trade, although he tried to rush it, went thru fine)
35019 GlooBoy Sammey -17 2014-04-28 18:13:45 -10 The New Supa -- If you in this asshole WoT. your business is done here
14612 GlooBoy versa -18 2012-09-10 15:27:36 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
15334 GlooBoy tehfyre -18 2012-09-27 19:52:41 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 224EUR
19881 GlooBoy phantomcircuit -18 2013-01-22 03:04:03 2 Fast BTC -->myAmazon
31819 GlooBoy samsun -18 2013-11-21 14:21:48 -10 Known Scammer aka Nettles - This is the neg rate that shoulda been put by the traders who traded with him when found he is a scammer. That trader believes this is NOT a scammer. I disagree...
33895 GlooBoy bigegoer -18 2014-02-21 00:21:09 -10 Scammed d3former for a MP
14616 GlooBoy transferx -19 2012-09-10 15:32:01 -10 Shill Account AKA:dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
14773 GlooBoy dlink -19 2012-09-14 20:25:36 -10 Add Extortionist to the list. AKA domino dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
14775 GlooBoy freelancers -19 2012-09-18 19:54:51 -10 KNOWN SCAMMER AKA: BTCLR | Known Scammer. AKA dragonx = cecil = Bitman = dknys = dkny = toocool = ezekiell = ninjaD = ninjaA = btclr = day1of2 = ice1cube = skylamp = menu = CRMA
15183 GlooBoy btchips -19 2012-09-25 17:27:15 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
15507 GlooBoy jubilee -19 2012-09-30 18:44:53 -10 Shill
15682 GlooBoy donwalker -19 2012-10-04 17:13:33 -10 Shill
15706 GlooBoy talkntextul -19 2012-10-04 16:53:59 -10 Shill
32447 GlooBoy sinista -19 2013-12-09 19:14:18 -9 Scammer -- Not a -ten cause we go waaaay back (according to him)
32766 GlooBoy UncleClark -19 2013-12-19 20:36:40 -10 Shill Account
14618 GlooBoy gracious -20 2012-09-28 20:41:34 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 224EUR
14798 GlooBoy day1of2 -20 2012-09-15 14:14:16 -10 Rating Abuse, shill account
14862 GlooBoy Newbyz -20 2012-09-17 12:34:12 -10 WARNING: Scammed PP just Last night, Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
17340 GlooBoy Decatur -20 2012-11-14 01:51:30 -1 went and bought a custom 80$ MP - waited over 5 hours on what was supposed to be a 5 minute wait - he purchased 80$MP from bonks instead.
24802 GlooBoy BitFi -20 2013-05-01 20:57:28 -10 shill account - see synops, Syn0ps -
37922 GlooBoy wrikey -20 2015-06-06 14:49:11 -8 doesnt know how to answer simplw questions.. Has funds sent to address hedoesnt control. Buyer Beware
15181 GlooBoy DataBits -21 2012-09-25 17:26:41 -10 Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
15455 GlooBoy joeryans -23 2012-09-29 03:33:22 -10 Shill
21395 GlooBoy tdiggs -23 2013-03-11 22:01:14 -5 Why. because the peeps he scams are too chicken shit to do it themselves
15452 GlooBoy jobe2 -25 2012-09-29 03:31:54 -10 shill
10760 GlooBoy Coolio- -27 2012-09-13 00:30:03 3 Many MP/GC to BTC and vice-versa trades.
35221 GlooBoy Rosamania -27 2014-05-12 05:20:22 -8 trying to scam from #bitcoin-foyer
29066 GlooBoy thekid84748955 -28 2013-08-14 05:06:42 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, Dimon, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
10344 GlooBoy james -29 2012-05-02 02:49:18 -10 WARNING: 4/23: **UPDATE** aka: BlueMoon44, jjbinks, bluemoon22, silverbellgrl, sillydillydally, ace2002, embalmber, jespersharley, darkanon, pz, King_pz, SallyD(my favorite), and live, right now as 'potroast'. Stole from Awesomeo, tried to sell me stolen PP.
14244 GlooBoy toocool -29 2012-08-31 22:53:58 -10
14628 GlooBoy newbit -29 2012-09-10 17:03:46 -10 Shill Account AKA:dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA
15460 GlooBoy johnnyb -29 2012-09-29 03:33:01 -10 Shill
16638 GlooBoy Synops -29 2013-04-26 21:20:24 -9 Just one bad lie after another. Prob trolling OTC right now for MP users (definity in litecoin-OTC, less peeps know him there) - his ratings are a reflection of his inability to tell the truth . Was given repeated opportunities to make things right -
34953 GlooBoy wizards-sleeve -29 2014-04-26 15:11:00 -10 bitscotty shill account
11654 GlooBoy wizkid057 -30 2012-06-12 05:37:23 1 Fast PP -> BTC. Seems trustworty ;)
20473 GlooBoy XdragonflyX -30 2013-02-12 07:17:02 -10
31816 GlooBoy nettles -30 2013-11-21 14:15:59 -10 Known scammer -- Once again I have to leave the neg rating cause the people who traded with this POS think hes not.
14422 GlooBoy ninjaa -31 2012-09-06 23:41:26 -10 WARNING: shill account used to fake a good OTC rating. AKA: ninjad, dragonx, cecil, toocool, dknys, elohim, ezekiell
29593 GlooBoy fireflames -31 2013-08-18 05:06:46 -10 Scammer (aka Cammansti, fireflame, etc) - confirmed through logs. (freenode) ns info
15431 GlooBoy dragonballz -32 2012-09-29 03:33:42 -10 Shill
15414 GlooBoy dnsbtc -34 2012-09-28 21:31:29 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 224EUR
20675 GlooBoy j16904 -39 2013-02-19 10:41:03 -8 scammer He tampered with logs to make it seem like he was being scammed when he himself was the scammer. Claimed his logs were The victim allen799 provided a session where I could see his desktop and the PM between him and j16904 I was able to get the real logs while controlling allen799's PC
34952 GlooBoy cangoo -41 2014-04-26 15:10:29 -10 bitScotty/wizards-sleeve Shill account
29663 GlooBoy funkymunky -42 2013-08-20 04:19:15 1 hisBTC--->myMP -- Easy Peasy
32824 GlooBoy Youngmilk -44 2013-12-22 15:21:23 -10 scammer - he will be back
30050 GlooBoy prophexxy -46 2013-11-24 20:45:39 -9 bought a MP from him. 2 months later he turns scammer.
34539 GlooBoy tim-tams -46 2014-04-11 18:42:04 8 everytime i see your rating i wanna cry AND you are one hell of a trader. a OTC goody
36996 GlooBoy minnows -46 2014-10-21 21:21:32 -7 May have scammed for PP - peeps too scared to rate. Buyer Beware
16735 GlooBoy LittleFluffYTedd -49 2012-10-31 04:00:42 -10 its acemiester, plz see getrating james and getrating darnanon also: - scammer got scammed and majorly butthurt -
13258 GlooBoy KingKatari -53 2013-01-03 20:56:46 -5 Screwed over many with confirmed BS story. When you see him make sure to be wearing a 'Mack Truck' t-shirt.
16113 GlooBoy Btcmixers -56 2012-10-16 23:16:14 -10 Confirmed Scammer. May be buying ratings for a few dollars than using it against folks.
36591 GlooBoy gawzirabaws -56 2014-08-28 17:08:46 -3 Needs to answer some questions. - Will remove if/when answers are provided. TRADE w/ CAUTION
15179 GlooBoy TheTruthx -58 2012-09-25 17:25:31 -10 WARNING: Obvious shill account. Known Scammer AKA: dragonx cecil Bitman dknys dkny toocool ezekiell ninjaD ninjaA. New Names include: thetruthx, btchips, databits, jsmoothbtc - Stole another 200MP
19581 GlooBoy taymm -61 2013-01-11 18:23:05 -10 Confirmed scammer. Not taking it well. Possibily wendywill, artlong and others
30467 GlooBoy avicci -61 2013-09-20 17:55:04 -10 whiny little bitch who got busted - Dont trust any rating from this known scammer
28945 GlooBoy quickymark -89 2013-08-13 08:20:57 -10 shill/scammer
28775 GlooBoy cynz -106 2013-08-11 15:01:09 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 < this is his lastest and it seems he really is piling on the ratings for this one
28526 GlooBoy laflarefire -124 2013-08-14 05:03:34 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
29051 GlooBoy knockrilla -128 2013-08-14 03:48:42 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28392 GlooBoy jumboshrimpp -130 2013-08-06 03:10:09 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28393 GlooBoy ionp -130 2013-08-14 05:00:04 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, Dimon, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
28457 GlooBoy wavesofjoy -138 2013-08-06 00:15:31 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28673 GlooBoy guardup -138 2013-08-14 05:03:34 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more. Someones getting butt-hurt
28540 GlooBoy hamcheese -143 2013-08-06 13:54:55 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
29052 GlooBoy newguy -143 2013-08-14 03:48:42 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, Dimon, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
28433 GlooBoy yonkers0 -144 2013-08-11 14:59:16 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, Dimon, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
28480 GlooBoy munkari -146 2013-08-11 14:59:15 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28453 GlooBoy gruiz1 -147 2013-08-08 17:56:39 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28348 GlooBoy rockyjohn -149 2013-08-11 14:59:15 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
22377 GlooBoy supa5 -150 2013-03-26 17:36:59 -10 Shill account for supadupajenkins -- Ran with loans, BEWARE..
28506 GlooBoy smitrith -151 2013-08-06 03:10:09 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28396 GlooBoy unclerobertt -152 2013-08-06 03:10:09 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28481 GlooBoy myunk -156 2013-08-06 03:10:08 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, heavysetta - and more.
28482 GlooBoy heavysetta -156 2013-08-11 14:59:15 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28484 GlooBoy bitcoinfnatic -156 2013-08-11 14:59:15 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28537 GlooBoy AVALON -157 2013-08-14 03:48:41 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28394 GlooBoy tyra8 -159 2013-08-11 14:59:15 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28483 GlooBoy coolkid552 -166 2013-08-06 01:28:35 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
29056 GlooBoy kunker5 -169 2013-08-14 04:35:57 -10 SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, smitrith, hamcheese, Dimon, heavysetta, smitrith - and more.
28350 GlooBoy hppiw -176 2013-08-06 03:10:11 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8 - and more.
28279 GlooBoy jdmwd -220 2013-08-06 03:10:08 -10 UPDATE: Lives at <-The dumb ass used his real IP info during his first scam, LOL - SCAMMER using many shill accounts to cross rate himself. This scammer is: hppiw, rockyjohn, Myans, UncleRobertt, jdmwd, Jackkk, jumboshrimpp, ionp, tyra8, heavysetta - and more.
10682 GlooBoy SupaDupaJenkins -229 2014-07-30 23:47:28 -10 Has used my loan and rating as a means to secure 2 more loans from OTC members(and many others from freenode since). Defaulted my loan for 8.00 plus 2.00 interest. Payment was due Sept 30, 2012. ---NEW July 30, 2014 Posted Repayment Addy: 1SkBU3GPmverdDNNEuDEeQeLZexj4ryrp - CAUTION - May be seeking new loans.
16864 GlooBoy PayPal -245 2013-03-09 22:43:02 2 declined a scammers dispute. You Rock!!!
27578 GlooBoy Supa -675 2013-07-19 11:08:54 -10 Has used my loan and rating as a means to secure 2 more loans from OTC members(which he defaulted). Defaulted my loan for 8.00. Payment due Sept 30, 2012. Posted Repayment Addy: 17ynA7b4d2CQcXYr684GGbXoc92miS8QS8 - CAUTION - He is seeking new loans.