You are currently viewing all ratings received by user ElevatedDownfall.

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About ElevatedDownfall

This user is currently NOT AUTHENTICATED. This user has not authenticated for more than 4380 days. If you are currently talking to someone who claims to be this person, you may be talking to an impostor and scammer.

List of all ratings received [json]

id rater nick rater total rating rated nick created at
rating notes
17421 sturles 1061 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-15 22:14:46 1 One smooth PPUSD/BTC trade
19428 BCB 1043 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-06 17:36:36 3 multiple small PPUSD<=>BTC trades. Smooth
19294 episking- 504 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-02 22:26:33 1 my PPUSD for his BTC, 2 day loan. Thanks!
16335 GlooBoy 252 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-09 06:00:13 3 Many Successful Trans. Thanks for the Trust.
19539 Jamesonwa 241 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-10 02:12:46 1 Loaned .5btc w/ agreement to payback within 24hrs via btc
16895 bonks 240 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-22 05:47:38 2 A couple small trades
16200 Ssateneth 235 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-31 23:27:46 3 I sold him BTC for PPUSD on numerous occasions. Medium-small transactions.
17261 easyat 197 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-29 06:14:47 5 multiple large TXs. I've trusted him with over 1k at a time
16709 aethero 189 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-17 20:51:28 9
17806 arij 184 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-08 02:02:28 3 two PP to BTC trades. trusted
15743 jcpham 169 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-16 03:13:41 5 Lots of successful transactions thus far. Pleasurable.
16405 rg 157 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-22 23:28:14 1 btc->paypal. no problems yet
17779 aldur1 157 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-22 14:26:57 1 bought coffee, smells great, just about to try thanks
19208 yoyoceramic 143 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-05 02:20:01 4 Second transaction went well - bought two large MP's for BTC. Also have bought his serve with BTC. Thanks.
16913 Kelticfox 133 ElevatedDownfall 2013-08-13 19:20:11 -5 Outstanding Loans (58.69 BTC). Was a respected member until he disappeared with a large amount of bitcoin.
15733 zapsoda 110 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-09 19:37:45 6 Lots of stuff msg me for details :p
15881 TheButterZone 109 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-09 23:46:19 -1 Lied to me to try to break a contract, got caught, contract was enforced. I don't forgive liars and getting -1'd by them for telling the truth is a badge of honor. Logs:
16407 Ex0deus 101 ElevatedDownfall 2014-03-24 20:37:42 -1 Ripped some people off. Was a paying supplier of bounties.
15749 DBordello 95 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-05 17:11:14 2 Performed services for great price
16454 joecool 85 ElevatedDownfall 2013-04-19 20:35:58 -1 had multiple good trades, but knew he was running dangerously, now in default with numerous creditors, hope for the best, will re-rate when/if it clears up :(
17080 AnonX 85 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-07 20:35:42 1 Did a favor for me in return for 0,33btc, was effiecent and did not waste my precious time
15885 Phraust 79 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-09 08:26:48 1 Glad I could help!
16311 savetheinternet 73 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-08 02:21:54 2 Nice bloke. Two smooth PPUSD transactions.
17278 LaoShanLong 71 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-12 03:55:53 1 1 BTC @ 10.5 PPUSD
16896 majinx 55 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-04 02:10:41 1 Bought 1 BTC for PPusd. Easy.
15604 MustelloLLC 50 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-29 19:52:44 4 good stuff
19229 Hasimir 50 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-31 01:33:14 1 Loan for a small amount of BTC, repaid on time and without prompting.
16320 dparrish 47 ElevatedDownfall 2013-03-26 21:32:07 -10 renegotiated and then ran away from a 20 BTC loan
19616 beethoven8201 43 ElevatedDownfall 2013-02-16 04:18:47 2 he repaid a three figure us dollar loan. good luck in everything
19255 adinxn 37 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-01 02:13:09 1 BTC -> WGC
16421 NaruFGT 32 ElevatedDownfall 2013-03-26 04:33:32 -10 Because I know I'll never see my 50 BTC again.
16974 QuantumQrack 30 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-06 03:47:43 1 Purchased some tea, received shipment, sound transaction.
18494 Elmf 29 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-08 22:20:16 2 Helped with an online payment.
16330 rabbit67890 27 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-20 20:39:10 1 Traded 0.59 BTC for $7 PayPal
17013 Bosma 27 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-08 19:42:59 2 purchased, received coffee through Gave refund after transfer of ownership.
17260 beefsock 26 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-11 19:24:32 1
19824 gmaxwell 26 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-20 18:34:07 -1 shilling on ziggap btcjam loan: 'ZIGGAP, after watching your promo ( ) I truly hope this service is funded promptly!' (he worked on that video)
18161 dogshu 21 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-01 01:27:39 1 payed back my btc loan in full and on time
19433 evolvex 19 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-06 21:53:51 1 got that micro trans back - cheers muchly.
15552 PsychoticBoy 16 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-20 19:37:46 5 Great lender, man of his word
16282 Lepton 15 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-19 19:19:35 1 good transaction, quikly paid
17166 packt 14 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-09 06:46:27 3 sweet coffee from! very helpful&friendly.
17202 wafflebear937 14 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-10 03:59:51 1 paid BTC for my MP, TY
19636 d34th 13 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-14 03:30:34 1 thanks for the btc
19657 C0keZer0 13 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-14 20:13:13 1 quick + fair BTC>LTC
19677 nyRednek 13 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-15 06:39:13 1 his 10 LTC for my 0.05 BTC
16048 beirdo 12 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-11 02:48:19 4 Bought coffee, and BTC for PPUSD 3*
16288 godzilla123 11 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-10 09:48:14 3 3rd transaction. Smooth. I boughht 1 btc via ppusd
18511 tronco 11 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-10 01:38:07 2 Multiple Transactions. BTC for My MP. Smooth.
19639 pochiraccoon 10 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-14 05:12:55 1 Was paid from playing trivia game for BTC
18481 ak102 9 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-08 04:12:53 1 payed ex0deus and elevated downfall for essay which came out good.
17248 MustelloStaff 8 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-12 20:25:16 3 MP for btc, smooth as butta
17353 zipstyle 8 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-14 06:21:01 1 understanding and smooth operator
18029 ph0x 8 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-28 01:36:23 4 Saw him do the right thing when he didn't have to.
19550 reureu2k3 7 ElevatedDownfall 2013-01-10 08:22:33 2 BTC for my MP
15742 GrammatonCleric 5 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-05 04:51:39 2 Very trustworthy and honest individual. Made the entire process easy.
17923 surplus-trader 5 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-25 23:50:19 1 i traded him my moneypak for his bitcoin. thanks again!
18539 jwzguy 3 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-09 21:22:57 1 Excellent communication, immediate payment, pleasure doing business with you!
16035 silverbull 2 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-12 18:27:21 1 Sending me free coffee, how about that!
18795 inglian 2 ElevatedDownfall 2012-12-18 23:21:42 1 Cheerful refund of order lost in the change of ownership of
16318 Pwnonias, 1 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-20 06:55:48 1 Bought 2 btc via paypal. Thanks.
16331 DogMan 1 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-20 21:21:49 1 Bought 3 btc, smooth and fast transaction. A+
17927 rcmaster 1 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-26 01:42:29 1 my mp for his bitcoin
21656 gercod 1 ElevatedDownfall 2013-03-19 18:18:45 -5 30 days late on BTCJam loan, no explanation or reneg.
17240 xIsalty-otc -1 ElevatedDownfall 2012-11-11 02:37:52 1 MicroBTC for PPUSD, Great help for a newbie in need.
16467 GammaGaze -11 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-24 02:34:02 1 helpful, experienced, kept me updated very well
16607 Nya -20 ElevatedDownfall 2012-10-27 07:10:08 1 sold btc for his paypal good transaction
18206 Synops -29 ElevatedDownfall 2013-04-02 23:40:15 -10 Late on many loan payments on BTCjam